
“当代国际艺术与设计数字典藏馆”(Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design)(上海)是在我国全方位“加快数字化发展,建设数字中国”“以科技创新和数字化变革催生新的发展动能”“不断做强做优做大我国数字经济”,并加速推进中国在数字化领域转型浪潮中步入世界前列的时代背景下,由上海市创意产业协会(全国创意产业领域诞生的第一家协会;“世界创意产业之父”“英国著名经济学家”约翰·霍金斯John Howkins担任国际顾问;“中国创意产业之父”“著名经济学家”“第十一届全国政协副主席”厉无畏先生担任首任会长)担任指导机构,上海暨中文化艺术传播中心负责建设运营。旨在加快推进中国艺术界、设计界、创意界等多种艺术门类“数字化”的国际进程,致力于打造全球性的经典艺术及艺术门类数据库,集聚中国艺术元素,拓展中国设计范围,促进中国文化与艺术的国际影响力,进一步铸就“中国艺术品牌”与“中国设计品牌”,弘扬“中国精神”。

“当代国际艺术与设计数字典藏馆”(Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design)在打造全球性的经典艺术及艺术门类数据库的基础上专设“优秀艺术与设计人才推介库、艺术家资源推介库、设计家资源推介库”等艺术与设计创新平台;特设精品级“艺术家作品珍藏大厅”、个人优秀作品收藏、团队优秀作品收藏、及集体优秀作品收藏(如:艺术院校、设计院校、艺术机构、设计机构、国际学校、或国际机构等)等馆厅;推荐“当代国际艺术与设计数字典藏”盛典“年度艺术人物”或“年度设计人物”,助力成就各类艺术名家、设计名家、或创意名家。

“当代国际艺术与设计数字典藏馆”(Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design)以“服务社会、利益大众、公益优先”为基本原则,热忱与社会各界筑梦未来。

Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design

"Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design" (Shanghai) is an all-round "accelerating digital development and building a digital China", "accelerating new development momentum with scientific and technological innovation and digital reform" and "constantly strengthening, optimizing and expanding China's digital economy", Under the background of accelerating the transformation of China into the forefront of the world in the digital field, Shanghai Creative Industry Association (the first association born in the field of creative industry in China); John Hawkins, the father of the world's creative industry and the famous British economist, served as the international consultant; "Father of China's creative industry", "famous economist" and "vice chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee" (Mr. Li Wuwei as the first president) served as the guiding organization, and Shanghai and China culture and art communication center was responsible for the construction and operation. It aims to accelerate the international process of "digitization" of various art categories such as Chinese art circles, design circles and creative circles, and is committed to building a global database of classical art and art categories, gathering Chinese art elements, expanding the scope of Chinese design, promoting the international influence of Chinese culture and art, further casting "Chinese art brand" and "Chinese design brand" and carrying forward the "Chinese spirit".

On the basis of building a global database of classic art and art categories, the "Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design" specially sets up art and design innovation platforms such as "excellent art and design talent promotion database, artist resource promotion database and designer resource promotion database"; Ad hoc high-quality "artist works collection hall", personal excellent works collection, team excellent works collection, and collective excellent works collection (such as art colleges, design colleges, art institutions, design institutions, international schools, or international institutions); Recommend "artist of the year" or "designer of the year" at the grand ceremony of "digital collection of contemporary international art and design", so as to help achieve all kinds of art masters, design masters or creative masters.

"Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design" (Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and Design) takes "serving the society, benefiting the public and giving priority to public welfare" as the basic principle, and enthusiastically dreams for the future with all sectors of society.

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电话:021-6806 9669

地址:上海市沪南路2583号 阳光大厦405室


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